Nestlé Responsible Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes Report

Project Summary

Nestlé is leading the way in providing optimal nutrition to infants and young children. While breastfeeding is an essential and healthy part of a baby’s life, in situations where breast milk is not available, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes infant formula as the alternative. Nestlé supports and protects this right, and is committed to responsibly marketing their breast milk substitutes. This report aims to provide insight into their formulas and the robust WHO Code compliance system to highlight risks, cases of non-compliance, and the swift actions Nestlé takes to address them. 


Services Editorial and Report Design, Social Media

Art Direction
Billie Arsendiga
Designers Anna Shine
Illustrator Maddie Boyle

Full-bleed photography combines text callouts and data visualizations to effectively communicate the results of Nestlé’s compliance monitoring activities and audits.

A social media campaign, “Every Baby is Our Baby,” was run at the time of the report’s publishing to showcase their commitment to infant nutrition. A custom logo and illustrations were created and combined with data from the report.


Upstate of Mind Homes


Xeomin - Merz Aesthetics